Select...Case 语句



Select Case condition Case expression Statement Block[Case expression2 Statement Block][Case Else] Statement Block End Select


Condition:任意表达式,用于控制是否执行各个 Case 子句之后的语句块。

Expression:与 Condition 类型表达式兼容的任意表达式。如果 ConditionExpression 匹配,则执行 Case 子句之后的语句块。


Sub ExampleRandomSelect

Dim iVar As Integer

    iVar = Int((15 * Rnd) -2)

    Select Case iVar

        Case 1 To 5

            Print "Number from 1 to 5"

        Case 6, 7, 8

            Print "Number from 6 to 8"

        Case 8 To 10

            Print "Greater than 8"

        Case Else

            Print "Out of range 1 to 10"

    End Select

End Sub