ئاپتۇماتىك تۈزەت

Sets the options for automatically replacing text as you type.

بۇ بۇيرۇقنى زىيارەت قىل…

Choose Tools - AutoCorrect - AutoCorrect Options.

The AutoCorrect settings are applied when you press the Spacebar after you enter a word.

To turn on or to turn off the AutoCorrect feature, in LibreOffice Calc choose Tools - AutoInput, and in LibreOffice Writer choose Tools - AutoCorrect - While Typing. To apply the AutoCorrect settings to an entire text document, choose Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply.

گۇرۇپپا يەش

Edits the replacement table for automatically correcting or replacing words or abbreviations in your document.


Specify the abbreviations or letter combinations that you do not want LibreOffice to correct automatically.


Select the options for automatically correcting errors as you type, and then click OK.


Specify the AutoCorrect options for quotation marks and for options that are specific to the language of the text.

Dialog Buttons

ئەسلىگە قايتۇر

Resets modified values back to the tab page previous values.

ۋاز كەچ

Closes dialog and discards all changes.


Saves all changes and closes dialog.