Glue Points Bar

Insert or modify the properties of a gluepoint. A gluepoint is a point where you can attach a connector line. By default, LibreOffice automatically places a gluepoint at the center of each side of the bounding rectangle for every object you create.

இக்கட்டளையை அணுக...

ஒட்டுப் புள்ளிகள் படவுருவைச் சொடுக்குக

பாய்வு நிரல்படத்தை உருவாக்குதல்

Insert Glue Point

ஒரு பொருளில் நீங்கள் சொடுக்கிய இடத்தில் ஒட்டுப்புள்ளியை நுழைக்கிறது.


Insert Point

இடது திசையில் வெளியேறு

Connector attaches to the left edge of the selected gluepoint.


Exit Direction Left

Exit Direction Top

Connector attaches to the top edge of the selected gluepoint.


Exit Direction Top

Exit Direction Right

Connector attaches to the right edge of the selected gluepoint.


வலது திசை வெளியேற்றம்

Exit Direction Bottom

Connector attaches to the bottom edge of the selected gluepoint.


Exit Direction Bottom

Glue Point Relative

Maintains the relative position of a selected gluepoint when you resize an object.


Glue Point Relative

Glue Point Horizontal Left

When the object is resized, the current gluepoint remains fixed to the left edge of the object.


Glue Point Horizontal Left

Glue Point Horizontal Center

When the object is resized, the current gluepoint remains fixed to the center of the object.


Glue Point Horizontal Center

ஒட்டுப் புள்ளி கிடைமட்ட வலது

When the object is resized, the current gluepoint remains fixed to the right edge of the object.


Glue Point Horizontal Right

Glue Point Vertical Top

When the object is resized, the current gluepoint remains fixed to the top edge of the object.


Glue Point Vertical Top

Glue Point Vertical Center

When the object is resized, the current gluepoint remains fixed to the vertical center of the object.


Glue Point Vertical Center

ஒட்டுப் புள்ளி செங்குத்து கீழ்

When the object is resized, the current gluepoint remains fixed to the bottom edge of the object.


Glue Point Vertical Bottom