Guiden Kopplad utskrift - Adresser

Specify the recipients for the mail merge document as well as the layout of the address block.

Symbolen Info

The Mail Merge wizard opens to this page if you start the wizard in a text document that already contains address database fields. If the wizard opens directly to this page, the Select Address List button is called Select Different Address List.

Symbolen Info

The title of this page is Insert address block for letters and Select address list for e-mail messages.

Select Address List

Öppnar dialogrutan VĂ€lj adresslista dĂ€r du kan vĂ€lja en datakĂ€lla för adresserna, lĂ€gga till nya adresser eller skriva en ny adresslista.


NÀr du redigerar poster i en Calc-tabelldatakÀlla som för tillfÀllet anvÀnds för en kopplad utskrift, syns inte Àndringarna i den kopplade utskriften.

Det hÀr dokumentet ska innehÄlla ett adressblock.

LĂ€gger till ett adressblock i det kopplade dokumentet.

Markera den layout för adressblock som du vill anvÀnda.


If you select This document shall contain an address block, the third and fourth substeps become enabled on this page. Then you have to match the address block elements and the field names used in the mail.

Ignorera rader med bara tomma fÀlt

Aktivera om du inte vill ha med tomma rader i adressen.


Öppnar dialogrutan VĂ€lj adressblock.

Matcha fÀlt

Öppnar dialogrutan Matcha fĂ€lt.


Unless all address elements are matched with a column header, you cannot finish the Mail Merge wizard with the Finish button or continue to the fourth step of the wizard.


AnvÀnd blÀddringsknapparna nÀr du vill förhandsgranska information frÄn föregÄende eller nÀsta datapost.

Next step: Mail Merge Wizard - Create salutation

Alternatively you can press the Finish button and use the Mail Merge Toolbar to finish the mail merge process.