
Här kan du skifta mellan olika markeringslägen.

När du klickar på ett fält så visas en popup-meny med de tillgängliga alternativen:




This is the default selection mode for text documents. With the keyboard, selections can be performed by Shift+NavigationKey (arrows, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down). With the mouse, click in the text where the selection is to start, hold the left mouse button and move to the end of the selection. Release the mouse key to end selection.

Utökning av markering (F8)

By using the arrow keys or the Home and End keys you can extend or crop the current selection. Clicking into the text selects the text between the current cursor position and the click position.

Additiv markering (Skift+F8)

En ny markering läggs till den befintliga markeringen. Resultatet är en multimarkering.

Block selection (+Shift+F8)

Ett textblock kan markeras.