
Accepterar eller ignorerar enskilda Àndringar.

SÄ hÀr anvÀnder du det hÀr kommandot...

Choose Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List tab

Choose Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes. The AutoCorrect dialog appears. Click the Edit Changes button and navigate to the List tab.

The List tab displays all of the changes that were recorded in the current document. If you want to filter this list, click the Filter tab, and then select your filter criteria.


Visar de Àndringar som registrerats i dokumentet. nÀr du vÀljer en post i listan sÄ markeras Àndringen i dokumentet. För att sortera listan klickar du pÄ en kolumnrubrik. HÄll ner medan du klickar för att markera flera poster i listan.

Symbolen Tips

Om du vill redigera en kommentar för en post i listan högerklickar du pÄ posten och vÀljer Redigera - Kommentar.

NÀr du har accepterat eller ignorerat en Àndring sorteras posterna i listan om efter accepterad- eller ignorerad-status.


Lists the changes that were made in the document.


Lists the user who made the change.


Lists the date and time that the change was made.


Lists the comments that are attached to the change.


Accepts the selected change and removes the highlighting from the change in the document.


Rejects the selected change and removes the highlighting from the change in the document.

Acceptera alla

Accepterar alla Àndringar och tar bort markeringarna frÄn dokumentet.

Avböj alla

Förkastar alla Àndringar och tar bort markeringarna frÄn dokumentet.

Det finns fler kommandon pÄ listans snabbmeny:

Redigera kommentar

Edit the comment for the selected change.

Sortera efter

Sorterar listan efter kolumnhuvuden.


Sorts the list according to the type of change.


Sorts the list according to the Author.


Sorts the list according to the date and time.


Sorts the list according to the comments that are attached to the changes.


Sorts the list in a descending order according to the position of the changes in the document. This is the default sorting method.