Alternativ för datafält

Du kan ange ytterligare alternativ för kolumn-, rad- och siddatafält i pivottabellen.

Sortera efter

Select the data field that you want to sort columns or rows by.


Sorts the values from the lowest value to the highest value. If the selected field is the field for which the dialog was opened, the items are sorted by name. If a data field was selected, the items are sorted by the resultant value of the selected data field.


Sorts the values descending from the highest value to the lowest value. If the selected field is the field for which the dialog was opened, the items are sorted by name. If a data field was selected, the items are sorted by the resultant value of the selected data field.


Sorts values alphabetically.

Alternativ för visning

Du kan ange visningsalternativ för alla radfält utom det sista, innersta radfältet.


Select the layout mode for the field in the list box.

Tom rad efter varje objekt

Adds an empty row after the data for each item in the pivot table.

Visa automatiskt

Visar de översta och understa nn:te objekten när du sorterar efter ett visst fält.


Turns on the automatic show feature.


Enter the maximum number of items that you want to show automatically.


Shows the top or bottom items in the specified sort order.

Använda fält

Select the data field that you want to sort the data by.

Dölj objekt

Select the items that you want to hide from the calculations.


Select the hierarchy that you want to use. The pivot table must be based on an external source data that contains data hierarchies.