User-Defined Functions

You can apply user-defined functions in LibreOffice Calc in the following ways:

Defining A Function Using LibreOffice Basic

  1. Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - LibreOffice Basic.

  2. Click the Edit button. You will now see the Basic IDE.

  3. Enter the function code. In this example, we define a VOL(a; b; c) function that calculates the volume of a rectangular solid with side lengths a, b and c:

    Function VOL(a, b, c)
    VOL = a*b*c
    End Function

  4. Close the Basic-IDE window.

    Your function is automatically saved in the default module and is now available. If you apply the function in a Calc document that is to be used on another computer, you can copy the function to the Calc document as described in the next section.

Drejtpërdrejt në fund të dokumentit

In stage 2 of "Defining A Function Using LibreOffice Basic", in the Macro dialog you clicked on Edit . As the default, in the Macro from field the My Macros - Standard - Module1 module is selected. The Standard library resides locally in your user directory.

If you want to copy the user-defined function to a Calc document:

  1. Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - LibreOffice Basic .

  2. In the Macro from field select My Macros - Standard - Module1 and click Edit.

  3. In the Basic-IDE, select the source of your user-defined function and copy it to the clipboard.

  4. Close the Basic-IDE.

  5. Choose Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - LibreOffice Basic .

  6. In the Macro from field select (Name of the Calc document) - Standard - Module1. Click Edit.

  7. Paste the clipboard contents in the Basic-IDE of the document.

Applying a User-defined Function in LibreOffice Calc

Once you have defined the function VOL(a; b; c) in the Basic-IDE, you can apply it the same way as the built-in functions of LibreOffice Calc.

  1. Open a Calc document and enter numbers for the function parameters a, b, and c in cells A1, B1, and C1.

  2. Set the cursor in another cell and enter the following:


  3. The function is evaluated and you will see the result in the selected cell.