
Makes one or more copies of a selected object.

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Duplikovanie objektov

Počet kópií

Enter the number of copies you want to make.

Hodnoty pre výber


Enters the width and the height values of the selected object in the X axis and the Y axis boxes respectively as well as the fill color of the object in the Start box. The rotation angle of the selected object is not entered.


Nastaví polohu a otočenie kópie s ohľadom na vybraný objekt.

Os x

Enter the horizontal distance between the centers of the selected object and the duplicate object. Positive values shift the duplicate object to the right and negative values shift the duplicate object to the left.

Os y

Enter the vertical distance between the centers of the selected object and the duplicate object. Positive values shift the duplicate object down and negative values shift the duplicate object up.


Enter the angle (0 to 359 degrees) by which you want to rotate the duplicate object. Positive values rotate the duplicate object in a clockwise direction and negative values in a counterclockwise direction.


Nastaví veľkosť kópie objektu.


Enter the amount by which you want to enlarge or reduce the width of the duplicate object.


Enter the amount by which you want to enlarge or reduce the height of the duplicate object.


Nastaví farby pre vybraný objekt a jeho duplikát. Pokiaľ vytvoríte viac ako jednu kópiu, budú tieto farby definovať začiatočný a koncový bod farebného prechodu.


Choose a color for the selected object.


Choose a color for the duplicate object. If you are making more than one copy, this color is applied to the last copy.


Resets the values visible in the dialog back to the default installation values.

Warning Icon

Potvrdenie sa nezobrazí skôr, ako sú opätovne nahrané štandardné hodnoty.