Hromadná korešpondencia emailom

Specifies the user information and server settings for when you send form letters as e-mail messages.

Pre prístup k tomuto príkazu...

Open a text document, choose - LibreOffice Writer - Mail Merge E-mail.

Používateľské informácie

Enter the user information to use when you send e-mail.

Your name

Enter your name.

E-mailová adresa

Enter your e-mail address for replies.

Send replies to different e-mail address

Uses the e-mail address that you enter in the Reply address text box as the reply-to e-mail address.

Adresa pre odpoveď

Enter the address to use for e-mail replies.

Outgoing server (SMTP) settings

Specify the server settings for outgoing e-mails.

Server name

Enter the SMTP server name.


Enter the SMTP port.

Use secure connection

When available, uses a secure connection to send e-mails.

Autentifikácia servera

Opens the Server Authentication dialog where you can specify the server authentication settings for secure e-mail.

Test Settings

Opens the Test Account Settings dialog to test the current settings.