
Specifies the settings for captions that are automatically added to inserted objects.

Pre prístup k tomuto príkazu...

Open a text document, choose - LibreOffice Writer - AutoCaption.

Add captions automatically when inserting

Select the object type for which the AutoCaption settings are to be valid.


Defines the options to be applied to the selected object type. These options are identical to those in the Insert - Caption menu, which is available when an object is selected. Below the settings is a preview of the object category, together with numbering type.


Specifies the category of the selected object.


Specifies the type of numbering required.


Defines the character to be displayed after the number of the heading or chapter level.


Determines the position of the caption with respect to the object.

Číslovať popisky podľa kapitol


Specifies the headings or chapter levels where you want the numbering to start.

Defines the character to be displayed after the number of the heading or chapter level.

Formát kategórie a rámca

Štýl znaku

Špecifikuje znakový štýl.

Použiť okraje a tieňovanie

Applies the border and shadow of the object to the caption frame.

D'oh! You found a bug (text/swriter/guide/captions.xhp#captions not found).