Import textu

Sets the import options for delimited data.

Pre prístup k tomuto príkazu...

Zvoľte Súbor - Otvoriť - vyberte v "Typ súboru": "Text CSV"

Zvoľte Dáta - Previesť text na stĺpce (Calc)


Súbor znakov

Specifies the character set to be used in the imported file.


Vytlačí čísla strán v päte.

If Language is set to Default (for CSV import) or Automatic (for HTML import), Calc will use the globally set language. If Language is set to a specific language, that language will be used when importing numbers.

When importing an HTML document, the Language selection can conflict with the global HTML option Use 'English (USA)' locale for numbers. The global HTML option is effective only when the Automatic language option is selected. If you select a specific language in the HTML Import Options dialog, the global HTML option is ignored.

Od riadku

Specifies the row where you want to start the import. The rows are visible in the preview window at the bottom of the dialog.

Možnosti oddeľovača

Presne určí, či vaše dáta používajú oddeľovače, alebo fixné šírky ako obmedzovač.

Pevná šírka

Separates fixed-width data (equal number of characters) into columns. Click on the ruler in the preview window to set the width.


Select the separator used in your data.


Separates data delimited by tabs into columns.


Separates data delimited by semicolons into columns.


Separates data delimited by commas into columns.


Separates data delimited by spaces into columns.


Separates data into columns using the custom separator that you specify. Note: The custom separator must also be contained in your data.

Zlúčiť oddeľovače

Combines consecutive delimiters and removes blank data fields.

Trim spaces

Removes starting and trailing spaces from data fields.

String delimiter

Select a character to delimit text data. You can can also enter a character in the text box.

Other options

Zvoľte jednu z možností.

Format quoted field as text

When this option is enabled, fields or cells whose values are quoted in their entirety (the first and last characters of the value equal the text delimiter) are imported as text.

Množina reálnych čísel

When this option is enabled, Calc will automatically detect all number formats, including special number formats such as dates, time, and scientific notation.

The selected language influences how such special numbers are detected, since different languages and regions many have different conventions for such special numbers.

When this option is disabled, Calc will detect and convert only decimal numbers. The rest, including numbers formatted in scientific notation, will be imported as text. A decimal number string can have digits 0-9, thousands separators, and a decimal separator. Thousands separators and decimal separators may vary with the selected language and region.

Skip empty cells

When this option is enabled, Calc preserves previous content of cells when pasting empty ones. Otherwise, Calc deletes content of previous cells.

In Text to Columns conversion, if cell content begins with a separator and this option is disabled, then first column will be emptied.


Ukazuje, ako budú vaša dáta vyzerať, ak sú separované do radov stľpcov.

Typ kolónky

Choose a column in the preview window and select the data type to be applied the imported data. You can select one of the following options:




LibreOffice určte typ.


Import dát je považovaný za text.

Dátum (DMY)

Aplikovaný formát dátumu (Deň, Mesiac, Rok) do importu dát v kolónke.

Dátum (MDY)

Aplikuje formát dátumu (Mesiac, Deň, Rok) do impotru dát v kolónke.

Dátum (YMD)

Aplikuje formát dátumu (Rok, Mesiac, Deň) do importu dát v kolónke.

US English

Numbers formatted in US English are searched for and included regardless of the system language. A number format is not applied. If there are no US English entries, the Standard format is applied.


Dáta v kolónke nie sú importované.

Ak ste vybrali jeden z formátov dátumu (DMY), (MDY), alabo (YMD) a vložíte čísla bez obmedzovača dátumu, čísla sú interpretované nasledovným spôsobom:

Počet znakov

Formát dátumu


Každá dvojica znakov je považovaná za deň, mesiac a rok vo vybranom poradí.


Štyri znaky sú považované za rok, každá dvojica za mesiac a deň, vo vybranom poradí.

5 alebo 7

Ako pri 6 alebo 8 znakoch, ale prvá časť sekvencie má jeden charakter menší. Toto bude potláčať úvodnú nulu pre mesiac a deň.

Tip Icon

Ak chcete zahrnúť vedúcu nulu v dátach, napríklad ak importujete telefónne čísla, aplikujte "Text" formát do kolónky.


Shows how the imported text will look after it is separated into columns. To apply a format to a column when it is imported, click a column and select a Column type. When you select a Column type, the column heading displays the applied format.

Ak chcete použiť pevnú šírku pre rozdelenie importovaných dát do radov stľpov, kliknite na pravítko a nastavte šírku poľa.

Navigating Without the Mouse

For more information, see Information about Import and Export Filters.