Borro diidiisa

Borro misilete vdune amadinota calla diideesa dandaato.

  1. Choose View - Toolbars- Drawing to open the Drawing toolbar.

  2. Borote biddo Biddo.

  3. Borrtajete giddo, misile borro uduune goshooshi, hakiini borroki taype assi.

  4. Click outside of the object, then click the text you entered. Click the Rotate icon Icon on the Drawing Object Properties toolbar.

  5. Assi misilete uduuni jajji uduuni gaxxiaana diidiisa biddo biddo qiphi assi

Tugote Bido

You can also right-click the text object, choose Position and Size, click the Rotation tab, and then enter a rotation angle or a new position for the object.