Mittu woraqati aana bae qoolla attamu

Ofollo lellishate qooli giggishsho fayileaana Fayile - Attami hasaawa, mittu woraqati aana bae qoola attamate doorsha afi'rootto.

  1. Fayile - Attami doorte qoolu ofoollo lao giggishsho kisi.

  2. Aane noorini mito assi:

  1. To print two pages side by side on the same sheet, select "2" in the Pages per sheet box.

  2. Mittu woraqati aana bae qoolla attamate, Mittu mitunku aloraqatira qaallate batinye filte doorshunni qoollate aante wori. Balaxishshu lelishaancho qoollate qinishsha lellishshanno.

  1. Attami kisi