Muraasu Qulfe (LibreOfficeBorreessaancho Iillo)

Qaagishshu Bido

Deskitoppekki amuraatira mite mite muraasu qulfe ofoltano.Deskitoppete ofoltino qulfe LibreOfficera dino.Babaxitino qulfe LibreOffice, uduunchuwa - rosicheesa - Keyboardra, woy deskitoppeki amuraati giddo ofoshiishate wo'naali.

Press the keys +<underlined character> to open a menu. In an open menu, press the underlined character to run a command. For example, press +I to open the Insert menu, and then T to insert a table.

Eote garitiro mayino fanate Shift+F10 Xiiwi Eote gari tiro mayino cufate Agurte sai xiiwi.

Kifilla Eessate

  1. Choose View - Toolbars - Insert to open the Insert toolbar.

  2. Illachu Eessi Uduunni gaxi aana ikka geeshsha F6 xii.

  3. Kifilete biddo filanta geeshsha qiniite worbicho qulte xiiwi.

  4. Woro qoltanno worbicho qulfe xibbe, hakkiinni qiniite morbicho qulfe eessahasi'ratto kifile hala'linye qineessate xiiwi.

  5. Essi xiiwi.

  6. Wirsa bortajete giddo worate F6 xiiwi.

Borrote shae Essate

  1. F6 xiiwi illaallichishu uurrinshu uduunni gaxi aana ikka geeshsha

  2. Press the right arrow key until the Table icon is selected.

  3. Worora worbicho qulfe xiiwi, hakkiinni worbicho qulfe caccafote kiiro filatenna dirto shaete ledate horoonsi'ri.

  4. Essi xiiwi.

  5. Wirsa bortajete giddo worate F6 xiiwi.

Muraasubba(LibreOffice Injaanbbe)

muraasu qulfubba LibreOffice Borreesaanchira