Kiiro soma

Xaa bortajera kiirote suudisann fooliishshose kiiro some deerrante badi.

Tene hajajo injeesate...

Choose Tools - Chapter Numbering - Numbering tab


Click the chapter and outline level that you want to modify, and then specify the numbering options for the level. To apply the numbering options, except for the paragraph style, to all of the levels, click "1-10".

Kiiro soma

Doorote gumishshi deerrira suudisamme badi.

Paragraph Style

Select the paragraph style that you want to assign to the selected chapter and outline level. If you click "None", the selected outline level is not defined.


Select the numbering style that you want to apply to the selected outline level.



A, B, C, ...

Jajjabba fidalla

a, b, c, ...

Shiimmaadda fidalla

I, II, III, ...

Roomu kiiro (jajjabbanna)

i, ii, iii, ...

Roomu kiiro (shiimmaadda)

1, 2, 3, ...

Arawete kiiro

A,... AA,... AAA,...

Fidallate kiiro fooliishshote jilba leellinshannoha ikkiro, fidalaantete kiiro sommannihu mittu garita jajjabbaanna fidale ikkiturooti. Lawishshaho layinki kiiro syikki jilba leellishate "BBB" ikkanno.

a,... aa,... aaa,...

Fidallate kiiro fooliishshote leellishshannoha ikkiro, fidalaantete kiiro sommannihu mittu garita shiimmaadda fidalla ikkiturooti.Lawishshaho sayikki kiiro layinki jilbira "cc" ikkanno.


Mittuno Kiiro Somate malaati dino. Kayinni kiirote xuruuri hanafo aana fikkimu woy tiro badate uyinoonni malaati callu daanno.

Fikiimu Akata

Select the format of the numbering character.

Gama widosi leellishi

Select the number of outline levels to include in the chapter numbering. For example, select "3" to display three levels of chapter numbering: 1.1.1

Badaancho Albaanni

Enter the text that you want to display before the chapter number. For example, type "Chapter " to display "Chapter 1".

Badaancho Gedensaanni

Enter the text that you want to display after the chapter number. For example, type a period (.) to display "1."


Enter the number that you want to restart the chapter numbering at.