Doorshu Gaxa

Doorshu Gaxaleellishate, Illacha - Uduunni-gaxa - Doorshadoori.

Tene hajajo injeesate...

Illachu - Uduunnigaxubba - Doorubba

Uduunnichu Kisamme gedensaanni Doyishshu Gara

Mawusete kisamme akata soorranno, ikkinohura doyishshu kasubba uduunnicho kisittohu gedensaanni leellitanno, nna isono wirro kisi. Uduunnicho hasirootto ragira doyisate kasa goshooshi.


Uduunnichu Kisamme gedensaanni Doyishshu Gara

Karraamma Leellishi

Specifies whether to display the grid.


Kaarrimmo Leellishi

Kipheenyu Xuruurra Leellishi

Kipheenyu xuruurra leellishanno woy maaxanno. Kipheenyu xuruura hunate, isilaade cufate goshshooshi.


Kipheenyu Xuruurra Leellishi

Kaalote xuruurra Millissa Geeshsha

Specifies whether to display guides when moving an object.


Milleessate yanna kaa'lo xuruuri

Karraammate Kiphi yaanno

Specifies whether to move frames, drawing elements, and controls only between grid points. To change the status of the snap grip only for the current action, drag an object while holding down the .


Karrimmate Faacama

Kipheenyaho Kiphi yitanno xuruurra

Snaps the edge of a dragged object to the nearest snap line when you release the mouse.


Kipheenyu Xuruurrara Kiphisi

Qoolu gato qaccera kiphi yaanno

Specifies whether to align the contour of the graphic object to the nearest page margin.


Qoolu Qaccuwara kiphisi

Uduunnichu qaccera kiphi yaanno

Specifies whether to align the contour of the graphic object to the border of the nearest graphic object.


Uduunnichu Farora Kiphisi

Uduunnichu naxibbara kiphi yaanno

Specifies whether to align the contour of the graphic object to the points of the nearest graphic object.


Uduunnichu Bixxilluwara Kiphisi

Wiinamu Muccisa Fajjanno

Fa'namiro, borrote kisamme gedensaanni borro rakke muccisa dandaatto. Cufamiro, borro muccisate lameegge-kisa noohe.


Rahino Muccisamme Fajji

Borrote Darga Calla Doori

Specifies whether to select a text frame by clicking the text.


Borrote Darga Calla Doori

Borro ledate Lameegge-kisi

Mawusete kiso akata soorranno, ikkinohura uduunnicho ledate woy muccisate lameegge-kisa dandaatto.


Borro ledate Lameegge-kisi

Sonubbatenni Uduunnicho Soorri

Tini bido Doorubbate gaxi aana baqqisamiha ikkiro, uduunnu sonubbansa ledo leellanno, kayinni 50% reqeccimma, harisatto woy misilatto geeshsha. Tini bido baqisama hoogguro, xaaxanchu xuruuri callu misilama geeshsha, nna maawusete ilkaaguratto woyite uduunnichu sonubbatenni leellanno.


Sonubbatenni Uduunnicho Soorri

Baala gaamubba fuli

Baala gaamubba fushshanno nna rosamino illachiwa qolanno.


Baala gaamubba fuli