
Fidalishshu uduunne, bortajekki giddo leda dandaatto uduunnita seesiqallote cibboola, hattono mayino qineessateuduunne, nna pirogiraamete dooro qineessancho amadino.

Fidale buuxi

Angatenni fidale buuxi.


Cinaancho mayino addi hajajonni afoo doodha dandaattowa fani.


Opens the Gallery deck of the Sidebar, where you can select images and audio clips to insert into your document.


Opens the Color Replacer dialog, where you can replace colors in bitmap and meta file graphics.

Media Player

Opens the Media Player window where you can preview movie and sound files as well as insert these files into the current document.


Lets you record or organize and edit macros.

Seedishshu Gashshancho

The Extension Manager adds, removes, disables, enables, and updates LibreOffice extensions.

Xuruuru Fooqishsha

Opens the XML Filter Settings dialog, where you can create, edit, delete, and test filters to import and to export XML files.

UmunniTaashshate Dooro

Sets the options for automatically replacing text as you type.


Customizes LibreOffice menus, context menus, shortcut keys, toolbars, and macro assignments to events.


Tini hajajo woyyaabbino pirogiraame qinoora hasaawa fantanno.