Kaimu Borangichubba

Specifies the settings for the basic fonts in your documents.

Qolteno kaimu borangichubba Uminsa irko - Afuu Qineessubba - Afuubbagiddo dandiituro Isiyu nna xurqa borro ofollara soorra dandaatto.

Hakkuri qineessubba balaxxe tirantino qixaawubbara kaimu borangichubba tirtanno. Qolteno gadete borro qixaawubbasoorra woy woyyeessa dandaatto.

Tene hajajo injeesate...

Open a text document, choose - LibreOffice Writer - Basic Fonts (Western).

Open a text document, choose - LibreOffice Writer - Basic Fonts (Asian). Asian language support must be enabled.

Kaimu borangichubba


Specifies the font to be used for the Default Paragraph Style. The Default Paragraph Style font is used for nearly all Paragraph Styles, unless the Paragraph Style explicitly defines another font.


Borangichu bikka badanno.


Specifies the font to be used for headings.


Specifies the fonts for lists and numbering and all derived styles.

Suudishshaho borrote bortaje giddo kiirrate nna bixxilluwate borgufora dooratto wote, pirogiraame umisenni hakuri borgufite akata gaantanno.

Kulaancho borro

Specifies the font used for the captions of images and tables.


Specifies the font used for indexes, alphabetical indexes, and tables of contents.


Hasaawaho hornya leelano gede marqineessate gadete bayisiishi hornya badhera qoli.

Qorophishu Bido

Buunxe marohogombooni gade albiidita dilabanno.