Attami doorubba

Attami qineesso doorubba badanno.

Tene hajajo injeesate...

Choose - LibreOffice - Print.

Ajino Daatinni Rahado Attamamme

Attami daata ajishi

Attamaanchoho sowamino daati geeshsha ajisha dandaatto. Attamate daata ajisha attamate ranke leddanno korkaatuno. Kuninoattamate shiima qaaggonniattamaanote shota assanno. Attami daata ajisha shiimunni attamate isilanchimma xeissanno.

Ra qineessubba

Specifies whether the print settings apply to direct printing or to printing to a file.

Reqeccimma ajishi

If you mark this field the transparent objects will be printed like normal, non-transparent objects, depending on your selection in the following two option buttons.

Qaagishshu Bido

Reqeccimma attamanchoho suwashshu garinni guma ikka didandiitanno. Reqeccimma leellitanno bortajete dargibaxikkinni leella noosi ikkinohura duucha wote bitimaappete garinni shallagama noosi nna attamaanchoho sowaama noosi. Bitimaappete bikki garinni nna attamate balkimma daata hala'lissanno.


Specifies that the transparency is only printed if the transparent area covers less than a quarter of the entire page.

Reqeccimma dino

With this option transparency is never printed.

Bitimaappuwa ajishi

Specifies that bitmaps are printed with reduced quality. The resolution can only be reduced and not increased.

Aliidi/rosantino attamate isilanchimma

High print quality corresponds to a resolution of 300dpi. Normal print quality corresponds to a resolution of 200dpi.


Specifies the maximum print quality in dpi. The resolution can only be reduced and not increased.

Reqeccimma uduunne ledi

If this field is marked, the reduction in print quality for bitmaps also applies to the transparent areas of objects.

Reduce gradient

If this field is marked, gradients are printed with reduced quality.

Suuti kuulshuwate bidubba

Specifies the maximum number of gradient stripes for printing.

Mereeri kuula

Specifies that gradients are only printed in a single intermediate color.

Kuulla bullabikkara soorri

Specifies that all colors are printed only as grayscale.

Attamaanchu qorophishshuwa

Defines which warnings appear before printing begins.

Woraqatu bikka

Mark this check box if a certain paper size is needed for printing the current document. If the paper size used in the document is not provided by the current printer, you will receive an error message.

Woraqatu ofolla gara

Mark this check box if you need a certain paper orientation for printing the current document. If the format used by the current document is not available from the printer, an error message will appear.


Mark this check box if you always want to be warned if transparent objects are contained in the document. If you print such a document, a dialog appears in which you can select if the transparency is to be printed in this print instruction.