
LibreOfficeXaphooma qineessubba badanno .

Tene hajajo injeesate...

Choose - LibreOffice - General.


Bayisantino kaa'lo akatta badanno.

Hala'litino qaccuwa

Wirrisa bidote, mayino hajajo aana woy hasaawu qorqorshi aana woratto woyite kaa'lote borro leellishanno.

Fani/Suuqi hasaawubba

LibreOffice Hasaawubba horoonsiri

Specifies whether LibreOffice dialogs are used to open and save documents. Otherwise the dialogs of the operating system are used.

Konne LibreOffice hasaawubba fanamme nna suuqamme bortajubbara LibreOffice Kaa'lo giddo.

Bortajete deerrubba

Attamammete qineessubba "soorrantino bortaje" deerrubba

Specifies whether the printing of the document counts as a modification. When this option is marked, the very next time the document is closed you are asked if the changes should be saved. The print date is then entered in the document properties as a change.

Diro (lame dijiite)

Defines a date range, within which the system recognizes a two-digit year.

LibreOfficegiddo, dirra shoole dijiitubbanni leellitanno, ikkinohura 1/1/99 nna 1/1/01 mereeri badooshshi lame dirooti. Kuni diri (lame dijiitubba) qineessubba horoonsiraanchulame-dijiite barrubba 2000 ledantino dirra tirate fajjanno. Leellishate, 1/1/30 barra badittoro woy gedenoonni, eo "1/1/20" 1/1/1920. roore 1/1/2020 gede afantino.

Help Improve LibreOffice

Collect usage data and send it to The Document Foundation

Send usage data to help The Document Foundation improve the software usability. The software development team is interested in information about the usage pattern of LibreOffice. This data helps to improve the usability of the applications, by identifying the most frequently used sequences of commands while performing common tasks, and in return, design a user interface that is easier to use and more productive. The usage data is sent anonymously and carry no document contents, only the commands used.