
Tini hajajo woyyaabbino pirogiraame qinoora hasaawa fantanno.

Baala qineessubbakki umi-loosaanchinni suuqantino. Eo halashshate tenne eo lameegge-kisi woy ledishshu mallate kisi. Eo hurunsate, xeishshu malaate kisi woyeo lameegge-kisi.

Qaagishshu Bido

Xaa bortajera loosantanno eubba calla la"a dandaatto. Xaa bortaje borrote bortaje ikkituro, LibreOffice borreessaanchu eo lai, nna woleno LibreOffice lai. LibreOffice halcho nna LibreOffice Konni hasaawi giddo misile mittu garinni awuutantanno. Afantinoeubba baala wote leellitanno.

Tene hajajo injeesate...

Choose .

Qaagishshu Bido

Note for macOS users: The Help mentions the menu path Tools - Options at numerous places. Replace this path with LibreOffice - Preferences on your macOS main menu. Both menu entries open the Options dialog box.

Options dialog buttons


Save the changes in the page and close the Options dialog.


Close the Options dialog and discard all changes done.


Resets changes made to the current tab to those applicable when this dialog was opened.

Qorophishu Bido

Some options cannot be reset once edited. Either edit back the changes manually or click Cancel and reopen the Options dialog.


Opens the help contents for the Options page displayed.


Use this dialog to create general settings for working with LibreOffice. The information covers topics such as user data, saving, printing, paths to important files and directories, and color defaults.


xaphooma Hogowi/Suuqi qineessubba badanno.

Afuu Qineessubba

Ledote afuubbara akatta tiranno.

LibreOffice Borreessaancho

Kuriu qineessubba LibreOffice giddo kalaqantino borrote bortajubba amadantanno doogo gumultanno. Qoleno xaa borrote bortajera qineessubba tirate dandiinanni.

LibreOffice Borreesaancho/Weebe

HTML suudishshi giddo LibreOffice bortajubbaara kaimu qineessubba tiranno.

LibreOffice Calc

Isipiriidishituwate babbaxxitino qineessubba, leella noonsa amadubba, nna bisiccote eo gedensaanni wirrisu ragatiranno. Qolteno aantete dirtubba, tonnishshu kiiro darguwa gumulanno nna maareekkammete qineessubba nna malatisamme soorrubbatira dandaatto.

LibreOffice Halcho

haroote kalaqamino shiqishshi bortajubbarababbaxxitino qineessubba tiranno, Law.leella noonsa amadubba, bikkote hooroonsidhino safaro, kaarrimmate diramme hiittoonni loosantinoro.

LibreOffice Misile

Leella noonsaamadubba, horoonsi'nanni bikko, kaarrimma diramme nnagadetenni attamantanno amadubba ledo misilete bortajubbara kalqete qineessubba tiranno .

LibreOffice Shallago

Baala haaroo afirimalu bortajubbara attamate suudishsha nna doorubba badanno. Kuriu doorubba afirimala suwashshu garinniLibreOffice Shallagowiinni loosiisanno.

LibreOffice Base

LibreOfficeGiddo daatu bu'ara xaphoomu qineessubba tiranno .


Chaartubbate xaphooma qineessubba tiranno.


Interneetete qineessubba badanno.