Bortajete suwashsho suudisamme loosa agura

Boode qaafubba gido akattatenni loosantinokkire baala suudisamme gaabba dandaatto.

Suwishshanna Akatu Suudisamme

If you format a document without Styles, it is referred to as "direct" formatting. This means modifying text or other objects, such as frames or tables, by applying various attributes directly. The format applies only to the selected area and all changes must be made separately. Styles, on the other hand, are not applied to the text directly, but rather are defined in the Styles window and then applied. One advantage is that when you change a Style, all parts of the document to which that Style is assigned are modified at the same time.

Borro doodhite muraasu qulfee ledo eesite bortajekini suudame shirsa dandaato +A nna hani doori Suudame - suudame ragisee huni.

LibreOffice Borreesaanchu Bortaje giddo baala suwashsho suudisamme hunamme

  1. Wo'ma borro doorate Ctrl+A xiiwi.

  2. Suudishsha - Suwashsho Suudisamme Coisidoori.

LibreOffice Calc isipiridishitte giddo baala suwashsho suudisamme hunamme

  1. Shiikki qulfe qiiwamme geeshsha baala shittuwa doorate umi nna aanchite goofimarchu shitte giggishsha kisi.

  2. Wo'ma borro doorate Ctrl+A xiiwi.

  3. Suudishsha - Suwashsho Suudisamme Coisidoori.

LibreOffice Shiqishshi giddo baala suwashsho suudisamme hunamme

  1. Xaadooshshu giddoyiidi illacha fanatexaadooshshu gidoonni giggishsha kisi.

  2. Wo'ma borro doorate Ctrl+A xiiwi.

  3. Suudishsha - Suwashsho Suudisamme Coisidoori.