Dijiitaame Malaatta Loosaansimma

Tajishshu afamme

Tajishsha tajishshu roorrimawiinni afirate dandaatto. Mitiimma dino mangistete uurrinshanni woy umu kubanyinni lamunku gutu kaa'lo aannohura, lawishshaho lamunku ate ayiimma tajishsha aanno. Gamu wolootu uurrinshuwa tajishsha baatooshshu nookkiha uyitanno, Fano Bue Pirojekite CAcert labbinori danchu garinni egennantino nna halaalanya addante modele nna dagate lopho aana gumulantanno.

Tajishshubbakki gashshamme

Bortajeta malaatisamme

  1. Choose File - Digital Signatures - Digital Signatures.

  2. Sokkate saaxine bortaje suuqattora amaaltannohe. Fayile suuqate Ee kisi.

  3. Suuqammete gedensaanni, Dijiitaame Malaatubba hasaawa lai. Bortajete dagate qulfe ledate Ledi kisi.

  4. In the Select Certificate dialog, select your certificate and click OK.

  5. You see again the Digital Signatures dialog, where you can add more certificates if you want. Click OK to add the public key to the saved file.

A signed document shows an icon Icon in the status bar. You can double-click the icon in the status bar to view the certificate.

The result of the signature validation is displayed in the status bar and within the Digital Signature dialog. Several documents and macro signatures can exist inside an ODF document. If there is a problem with one signature, then the validation result of that one signature is assumed for all signatures. That is, if there are ten valid signatures and one invalid signature, then the status bar and the status field in the dialog will flag the signature as invalid.

Maakirootu bortajete gidooyidi malaatisamme

Rosamino garinni, maakirootu bortajete bisooti. Bortaje malaatisittoro, bortajete gidoyiidi maakiro umisinni malaatisamino. Maakiro calla malaatisate hasirittoro, bortaje malaatisate hasira hoogittoro, aananno garinni harunsi:

  1. Uduunne - maakiroota - Dijiitaame Malaatubbadoori.

  2. Aleenni xawinsoonni garinni bortajubbate malaate loossi.

When you open the Basic IDE that contains signed macros, you see an iconIcon in the status bar. You can double-click the icon in the status bar to view the certificate.