Shaete miili Wizarde: Barete doo'ro

Shaete qoroqrshi bare giddo hiitti bare leella hasiissannoro xawisanno.

Tene hajajo injeesate...

Fani Formete qorqorsha uduunugaxa, qiphisi Roore qorqorate bido, qiphisi Shaete qorqora barete finco bidonna goshooshate ajo. Daatabeezu xadooshi no.

Shiqqino barubba

Lists the names of the data base fields in the selected table or query. Click to select a field or hold down the Shift or the key while you click to select more than one field.


Click to move the selected field(s) to the box that the arrow is pointing to.


Click to move all fields to the box that the arrow is pointing to.


Click to move the selected field(s) to the box that the arrow is pointing to.


Click to move all fields to the box that the arrow is pointing to.

Doorantino Baruwi

Formete bare giddora jajjantino daati baruwa leellishanno.