Borro Abba

Sets the import options for delimited data.

Tene hajajo injeesate...

Doori Fayiile - Fani - "Fayiile dani"unda doori: "Borro CSV"

Doori Daata - Borrote caccafo (Calc)


Fikiima Wori

Specifies the character set to be used in the imported file.


Kiirote naanni-fikiima hiito assine abbinaniro hedi.

Afuu gadete ikkoomero (CSV sowaate) woy umiloosansa (HTML sowaate), Calc afuu kalqe worate horoonsi'ri. Afuu baxino afiira woramiro, haku afii sowaate kiiro horora ikkano.

HTML bortaje abinani woyite, afuu doorshi kalqe HTML dooro ledo kibamara dandaano 'Englishe horoonsi'ri (USA)' kiirote baadi. Kalqe HTML dooro gumakkitanohu umiloosansu afii dooro dooranturo callaho. HTML abbate dooro hasaawa afoo calla dooritoro , HTML dooro kalqe hawantano.

Formete hawiitama

Specifies the row where you want to start the import. The rows are visible in the preview window at the bottom of the dialog.

Badaanchu dooro

Daataki hiiko badaanchimate horonso'naniro woy rosantino baqo badaancho titiri.

Rosantino baqo

Separates fixed-width data (equal number of characters) into columns. Click on the ruler in the preview window to set the width.

Nni bandooni

Select the separator used in your data.


Separates data delimited by tabs into columns.

Ledote malaate

Separates data delimited by semicolons into columns.

Taxxeessu malaate

Separates data delimited by commas into columns.


Separates data delimited by spaces into columns.


Separates data into columns using the custom separator that you specify. Note: The custom separator must also be contained in your data.

Makisaancho beehaancho

Combines consecutive delimiters and removes blank data fields.

Trim spaces

Removes starting and trailing spaces from data fields.

String delimiter

Select a character to delimit text data. You can can also enter a character in the text box.

Wole dooro

Abbate wole dooro wori

Format quoted field as text

Tini dooro dandisiisuro, insa giddo barete woy bisiccote hornyi malaatisamano (uminna gofimarchu fikiimi hornyi borrote gawalora taaloho) borrote gede abinooniho.

Addi kiiro afa

Tini dooro dandaama hooguro, Calc umiloosanchimateni baala kiiro suudame afano, adi kiiro suudameni yaano daata, yannanna, baxino xawishsha.

Dooramino afii hatene adi kiiro hiitosse hoolinoro gadadisano, xaa geeshsha babaxino afiinna qoqqowi hatene adi kiirora babbaxitinoti batinye hige noonsa.

Konne doorsha leelinshiro, Calc hoole tonnishshu kiiro calla woleessono. Gatinohu, sayintifikete egensiishira kiirote suudamme hanqafe, borrote gede abinaniho. Tonnishshu kiiro naanni-fikiimi 0-9 dijiite heedhara dandiitano, Kumu badaanchinna tonnishu badaanchi. Kumu badaanchinna tonnishu badaanchi dooramino afiinna qoqqowi ledo soorantara dandiitano.

Skip empty cells

When this option is enabled, Calc preserves previous content of cells when pasting empty ones. Otherwise, Calc deletes content of previous cells.

In Text to Columns conversion, if cell content begins with a separator and this option is disabled, then first column will be emptied.


Caccafote beehamino daati hiitohoro leelishano

Caccafote dana

Choose a column in the preview window and select the data type to be applied the imported data. You can select one of the following options:




LibreOffice dana hedi.


Sonkooni daati borrote gede towaatamino.

Barra (DMY)

Caccafote sonkoonni daatira (Barra, Agana, Diro) daati suudame loosi.

Barra (MDY)

Caccafote sonkoonni daatira (Barra, Agana, Diro) daati suudame loosi.

Barra (YMD)

Caccafote sonkoonni daatira (Barra, Agana, Diro) daati suudame loosi.

US Inglish

Us Ingilishe kiiro suudama hasotenna hakiidi hayyo afiini hanqafamano. Batinye suudame dikkitino. Hako us Ingilishe eo hooguro Merregissa suudame ikkitano.


Daatu caccafote dieino.

Daatu suudame (BAD), (ABD), woy (DAB) mitto dooritoro danu nookkiha kiiro eesato, kiiro harunsino garinii titirantano:

Fikiimu kiiro

Barru suudame


Dooramino aantehu Barru, Aganunna Dirunihu lamu fikiimi mitu mitunku adhamino.


Dooramino aantehu Barru, Aganunna Dirunihu shoolu fikiimi mitu mitunku adhamino.

5 woy 7

6 woy 8 fikiimi ledo gede, kayiini umi darati aante mittu fikiimi ajino. Tini hedeweelcho aganahonna barraho zeerote masagano.

Tugote Bido

Abbato daatira zeerote masago hanqafa hasi'ritoro, telefoonete kiirora lawishshaho, caccafote "borrote" suudame loosansi.


Shows how the imported text will look after it is separated into columns. To apply a format to a column when it is imported, click a column and select a Column type. When you select a Column type, the column heading displays the applied format.

Caccafote dayiino daata badate rosantino baqo horoonsi'ra hasiritoro, baqote danni qineesora xuruuraho qiphisi.

Ajoweelo doyyaano

Roore mashaqera, lai Sowaatenna Abbate daafira mashalaqe.