
Surki mayinu haaroo miilla hakkuno bisiccuwa, haawiittimmoota shittuwa nna bisiccote su'ma xaa shittera surkate,hajajubba amaddino.


bisiccoota surkate hasaawa fanate, badootto doorshi garinni haaroo bisiccuwa surka dandaatto.


Haaroo shitte surkate kaa'lanno doorshuwa tiranno. haaroo shitte kalaqa, fayiletewiinni noo shitte surka dandaatto.

Fayiletewi shitte

Inserts a sheet from a different spreadsheet file.

Gobayiidi Daatira Xaadisi

Inserts data from an HTML, Calc, CSV or Excel file into the current sheet as a link. The data must be located within a named range.

Baxxino Fikiima

Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.

Suudeessu malaate

Opens a submenu to insert special formatting marks like non-breaking space, soft hyphen, and optional break.


Opens a dialog that enables you to create and edit hyperlinks.


Opens the Function Wizard, which helps you to interactively create formulas.

Named Ranges and Expressions

Isipiridete bortajekkira babbaxxitino kifillasu'mattora fajjannohe. Babbaxxitino kifilla su'matenni, shotu garinni isipiridishittete bortajubba giddoyiinni dooyyaa nna baxxitino mashalaqqe hasa dandaatto.


Inserts a comment around the selected text or at the current cursor position.


The submenu presents various sources that an image, audio or video can be insert from.

Audio or Video

Inserts a video or audio file into your document.


Inserts an embedded object into your document, including formulas, 3D models, charts and OLE objects.


Chaarte surkanno.

Womamme Xiyyo

Inserts a floating frame into the current document. Floating frames are used in HTML documents to display the contents of another file.


Umaalluwanna Lekkaalluwa suudisatenna tirate fajjannohe.