ChDrive Statement

Xaa oofo soorranno.

Qorophishu Bido

This statement currently does not work as documented. See this issue for more information.


ChOofo Borro Naannifikiimate Gede


Borro: Haaro oofota oofote fidale amaddanno naannifikiimate handaara. hasirittoro, URL qaagiishsha horonsi'ra dandaatto.

Oofo The drive must be assigned a capital letter. Under Windows, the letter that you assign the drive is restricted by the settings in LASTDRV. If the drive argument is a multiple-character string, only the first letter is relevant. If you attempt to access a non-existent drive, an error occurs that you can respond to with the OnError statement.

Error codes:

5 Horiweelo aante woshsho

68 Udiinnichu dino

76 Harumu diafamino


Sub ExampleChDrive

    ChOofo "D" ' Dandaamannohu 'D' oofo heedhuro callaati.

End Sub