Join Properties

If you double-click a connection between two linked fields in the query design, or if you choose Insert - New Relation, the Join Properties dialog appears. These properties will be used in all queries created in the future.

To access this command...

Open query design and choose Insert - New Relation, or double-click on a connection line between two tables.

Tables involved

Specifies two different tables that you want to join.

Fields involved

Specifies two data fields that will be joined by a relation.



Specifies the link type of the selected link. Some databases support only a subset of the possible types.

Inner Join

With the internal join, the results table contains only the records for which the content of the linked fields is the same. In LibreOffice SQL this type of link is created by a corresponding WHERE clause.

Left Join

With the left join, the results table contains all fields of the left table and only those fields of the right table for which the content of the linked fields is the same. In LibreOffice SQL this type of link corresponds to the LEFT OUTER JOIN command.

Right Join

With the right join, the results table contains all fields of the right table and only those fields of the left table for which the content of the linked fields is the same. In LibreOffice SQL this type of link corresponds to the RIGHT OUTER JOIN command.

Full Join

For a full join, the results table contains all fields of the left and right tables. In the SQL of LibreOffice this type of link corresponds to the FULL OUTER JOIN command.


Inserts the keyword NATURAL into the SQL statement that defines the relation. The relation joins all columns that have the same column name in both tables. The resulting joined table contains only one column for each pair of equally named columns.