
The Tools menu contains commands to check spelling, to trace sheet references, to find mistakes and to define scenarios.

You can also create and assign macros and configure the look and feel of toolbars, menus, keyboard, and set the default options for LibreOffice applications.

සියල්ල තෝරන්න

Checks spelling manually.

LibreOffice මූලික

Opens a submenu where you can choose language specific commands.

ස්වයං නිවැරදි කිරීමේ විකල්පය

Sets the options for automatically replacing text as you type.


Opens a dialog where you can solve an equation with a variable.


Opens the Solver dialog. A solver allows you to solve equations with multiple unknown variables by goal-seeking methods.


This command activates the Spreadsheet Detective. With the Detective, you can trace the dependencies from the current formula cell to the cells in the spreadsheet.


Defines a scenario for the selected sheet area.


The Protect Sheet or Protect Spreadsheet commands prevent changes from being made to cells in the sheets or to sheets in a document. As an option, you can define a password. If a password is defined, removal of the protection is only possible if the user enters the correct password.


ඩන් ඔබ කරන්න පටිගත කිරීම සහ සංස්කරණය කරනය කිරීම විශල ලෙස.

දිගුව(extension) කලමණාකරැ

The Extension Manager adds, removes, disables, enables, and updates LibreOffice extensions.

XML ෙපරහන් සැකසුම්

මගින්XML ෙපරහන් සැකසුම්ෙකාටුව විවෘත කරයි.එමගින් ඔබට XML ලිපිෙගානු ලබාගෑනීම හා යෑවීම සදහා ෙපරහන් නිර්මාණය කිරිමට, සෑකසිමට, මැකිමට, පරික්ෂා කිරිමට හෑකිය.


Customizes LibreOffice menus, context menus, shortcut keys, toolbars, and macro assignments to events.


This command opens a dialog for a customized program configuration.