Iniciar o LibreOffice com parâmetros

Ao iniciar o LibreOffice a partir da linha de comandos, pode atribuir vários parâmetros, com os quais pode influenciar o desempenho. A utilização de parâmetros da linha de comandos só deve ser utilizada por utilizadores experientes.

Ícone de nota

Para uma utilização normal, a utilização de parâmetros de linha de comandos não é necessária. Determinados parâmetros requerem um conhecimento mais avançado da tecnologia do LibreOffice .

Iniciar o LibreOffice a partir da linha de comandos

  1. Em sistemas Windows, selecione Executar no menu Iniciar e em Linux, *BSD ou mac OS, abra uma consola.

  2. Em sistemas Windows, introduza o seguinte texto no campo de texto em Abrir e clique em Aceitar.

  3. Em sistemas do tipo UNIX, digite este texto e prima Return:

    Substitua {install} com o caminho para a instalação do LibreOffice (por exemplo, C:\Program Files\Office em Windows ou ~/office em UNIX)

Parâmetros válidos para a linha de comandos

Iniciar sem parâmetros especiais

Iniciar sem parâmetros abre o centro de partida.


Tentar abrir o ficheiro ou ficheiros com os componentes mais adequados.

{file} macro:///[Library.Module.MacroName]

Abre o ficheiro a aplica as macros especificadas do ficheiro.

Obter ajuda e informação



--help / -h / -?

Lista os parâmetros disponíveis para a linha de comandos.


Abre a ajuda local ou online do LibreOffice Writer.


Abre a ajuda local ou online do LibreOffice Calc.


Abre a ajuda local ou online do LibreOffice Draw.


Abre a ajuda local ou online do LibreOffice Impress.


Abre a ajuda local ou online do LibreOffice Base.


Abre a ajuda local ou online do LibreOffice para a linguagem Basic.


Abre a ajuda local ou online do LibreOffice Math.


Mostra a versão do LibreOffice e fecha.


(macOS sandbox only) Returns path of the temporary directory for the current user and exits. Overrides all other arguments.

Argumentos genéricos




Activates[Deactivates] the Quickstarter service. It can take only one parameter no which deactivates the Quickstarter service. Without parameters this service is activated.


Disables check for remote instances using the installation.


Forces an input filter type, if possible. For example:
--infilter="Calc Office Open XML"
--infilter="Text (encoded):UTF8,LF,,,."


Store soffice.bin pid to {file}.

--display {display}

Sets the DISPLAY environment variable on UNIX-like platforms to the value {display}. This parameter is only supported by the start script for LibreOffice software on UNIX-like platforms.

User/programmatic interface control




Disables the splash screen at program start.


Starts minimized. The splash screen is not displayed.


Starts without displaying anything except the splash screen.


Starts in invisible mode.

Neither the start-up logo nor the initial program window will be visible. LibreOffice software can be controlled, and documents and dialogs can be controlled and opened via the API.

Using the parameter, LibreOffice can only be ended using the taskmanager (Windows) or the kill command (UNIX-like systems).

It cannot be used in conjunction with --quickstart.

More information is found in LibreOffice Developer's Guide.


Starts in "headless mode" which allows using the application without user interface.

This special mode can be used when the application is controlled by external clients via the API.


Disables restart and file recovery after a system crash.


Starts in a safe mode, i.e. starts temporarily with a fresh user profile and helps to restore a broken configuration.


Notifies LibreOffice software that upon the creation of "UNO Acceptor Threads", a "UNO Accept String" will be used.

UNO-URL is string the such kind uno:connection-type,params;protocol-name,params;ObjectName.

More information is found in LibreOffice Developer's Guide.


Closes an acceptor that was created with --accept={UNO-URL}. Use --unaccept=all to close all open acceptors.


Uses specified language, if language is not selected yet for UI. The lang is a tag of the language in IETF language tag.

Developer arguments




Exit after initialization complete (no documents loaded).


Exit after loading documents.

New document creation arguments

Ícone de nota

The arguments create an empty document of specified kind. Only one of them may be used in one command line. If filenames are specified after an argument, then it tries to open those files in the specified component.




Inicia um documento do Writer em branco.


Inicia um documento do Calc em branco.


Inicia um documento do Draw em branco.


Inicia com um documento Impress em branco.


Inicia um documento do Math em branco.


Inicia com um modelo global de documentos do Writer em branco.


Starts with an empty HTML document.

File open arguments

Ícone de nota

The arguments define how following filenames are treated. New treatment begins after the argument and ends at the next argument. The default treatment is to open documents for editing, and create new documents from document templates.




Treats following files as templates for creation of new documents.


Opens following files for editing, regardless whether they are templates or not.

--pt {Printername}

Prints the following files to the printer {Printername} and ends. The splash screen does not appear.

Se o nome do ficheiro incluir espaços, será necessário colocar esse nome entre aspas.

If used multiple times, only last {Printername} is effective for all documents of all --pt runs.

Also, --printer-name argument of --print-to-file switch interferes with {Printername}.


Prints following files to the default printer, after which those files are closed. The splash screen does not appear.

If the file name contains spaces, then it must be enclosed in quotation marks.


Opens following files in viewer mode (read-only).


Opens and starts the following presentation documents of each immediately. Files are closed after the showing. Files other than Impress documents are opened in default mode , regardless of previous mode.

--convert-to OutputFileExtension[:OutputFilterName] [--outdir output_dir]

Batch convert files (implies --headless). If --outdir isn't specified, then current working directory is used as output_dir.

If --convert-to is used more than once, last value of OutputFileExtension[:OutputFilterName] is effective. If --outdir is used more than once, only its last value is effective. For example:

--convert-to pdf *.doc
--convert-to pdf:writer_pdf_Export --outdir /home/user *.doc
--convert-to \"html:XHTML Writer File:UTF8\" *.doc
--convert-to \"txt:Text (encoded):UTF8\" *.doc

--print-to-file [--printer-name printer_name] [--outdir output_dir]

Batch print files to file. If --outdir is not specified, then current working directory is used as output_dir.

If --printer-name or --outdir used multiple times, only last value of each is effective. Also, {Printername} of --pt switch interferes with --printer-name. For example:

--print-to-file *.doc
--print-to-file --printer-name nasty_lowres_printer --outdir /home/user *.doc


Dump text content of the following files to console (implies --headless). Cannot be used with --convert-to.


Set a bootstrap variable. For example: to set a non-default user profile path:


Ignored switches




Ignored (macOS only)


Ignored (COM+ related; Windows only)


Does nothing, accepted only for backward compatibility.

--protector {arg1} {arg2}

Used only in unit tests and should have two arguments.