Menus de contexto

Permite-lhe personalizar os menus de contexto de todos os módulos do LibreOffice.

You can add new commands, modify existing commands, or rearrange the context menu items. You can also add commands executed by macros and apply all kind of styles directly from the context menu.

Para aceder a este comando...

Escolha Ferramentas - Personalizar - Menus de contexto.


Enter a string in the text box to narrow the search of commands.


Select the menu command category in the drop-down list to restrict the search of commands or scroll the list below. Macros and styles commands are in the bottom of the list.


Mostra os resultados da combinação da cadeia de pesquisa e a categoria da função desejada.


A caixa de texto contém uma breve descrição do comando selecionado.


Select the location where the context menu is to be attached. If attached to a LibreOffice module, the context menu is available for all files opened in that module. If attached to the file, the context menu will be available only when that file is opened and active.


Select the Context Menu where the customization is to be applied. The current set of functions is displayed in the box below.


Clique no botão Adicionar para adicionar um novo menu de contexto.


Click on the remove button to delete the context menu.

Ícone de nota

You can only delete custom context menus and custom context menu entries.

Right Arrow button

Click on the right arrow button to select a function on the left display box and copy to the right display box. This will add the function to the selected context menu.

Left Arrow button

Click on the left arrow button to remove the selected command from the current contex menu.

Seta para cima e seta para baixo

Click on the Up or Down arrows on the right to move the selected command upward or downward in the list of displayed context menus commands.

Ícone da dica

You can drag and drop the selected command to move it to the position you want.




Remove todas as alterações efetuadas a este menu de contexto.