SLN Function [VBA]

Returns the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period. The amount of the depreciation is constant during the depreciation period.

Ícone de aviso

Esta função ou constante é ativada com a instrução Option VBASupport 1 imediatamente antes do código executável existente no módulo.


SLN (Cost as Double, Salvage as Double, Life as Double)

Valor de retorno:



Cost is the initial cost of an asset.

Salvage is the value of an asset at the end of the depreciation.

Life is the depreciation period determining the number of periods in the depreciation of the asset.

Códigos de erro

5 Chamada de procedimento inválido


REM ***** BASIC *****

Option VBASupport 1

Sub ExampleSLN

REM Calculate the yearly depreciation of an asset that cost $10,000 at

REM the start of year 1, and has a salvage value of $1,000 after 5 years.

Dim y_dep As Double

y_dep = SLN( 10000, 1000, 6 )

print y_dep ' returns 1500.

End Sub