Kabala Wanta-OLE

Kabalii OLE-Object kan mul'atan, yammuu wantawwanii filatamaniidha, akkasuumas dalagawwan wantawwan dhangeessuu fi qubachiisuudhaaf gargaran baay'ee of keessaa qabu.

Set Paragraph Style

Assigns a style to the current paragraph, selected paragraphs, or to a selected object.

Set Paragraph Style

Set Paragraph Style

Marsi hin barbaachisu

Places the object on a separate line in the document. The Text in the document appears above and below the object, but not on the sides of the object. Akkasuumas qindaa'ina kana fuula caancalaa Maraa irraa filachu nidandeessa.


Marsaan Dhamaadha


Wraps text on all four sides of the border frame of the object. Sajoon kun dirqala Maraa Fuulaa fuula caancalaa Maraa irraan walsima.


Marsaan Banaadha

Keessa Marsi

Places the object in front of the text. Akkasuumas galtee tokkicha fuula caancalaa Maraa keessaa argachuu nidandeessa.


Keessatti Marsi

Bitaa Hiriirsi

Aligns the left edges of the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Draw or Impress, the left edge of the object is aligned to the left page margin.

Sajoo cuqaasi


Surdala Handhuura

Horizontally centers the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Draw or Impress, the center of the object is aligned to the horizontal center of the page.

Sajoo cuqaasi


Mirga Hiriirsi

Aligns the right edges of the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Impress or Draw, the right edge of the object is aligned to the right page margin.

Sajoo cuqaasi


Irra Hiriirsi

Vertically aligns the top edges of the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Draw or Impress, the top edge of the object is aligned to the upper page margin.

Sajoo cuqaasi


Handhuura Tarjaa Hiriirsi

Vertically centers the selected objects. If only one object is selected in Draw or Impress, the center of the object is aligned to the vertical center of the page.

Icon cuqaasi


Jalatti Hiriirsi

Qarreewwan jala wantoota filataman surdalaan hiriirsa . Yoo wanti tokko qofti Draw ykn Impress keessatti filatame, qarreewwan jala wanticha muudana fuula gadiitti hiriirfameera.

Sajoo cuqaasi



Sajoo Handaarota kamshaa Handaarotaa banuuf, iddoo bal'ina handaara waraqaa ykn wantaa fooyyessuu dandeessa.



Akkaataa Sararaa

Kamshaa Akkaataa Sarara banuuf sajoo kana, iddoo akkaataa sarara handaaraa fooyyessuu dandeessutti cuqaasi.


Akkaataa Sararaa

Halluu Handaaraa

Sajoo Halluu Sarara (kan handaaraa) kamshaa Halluu Handaaraa banuuf, isa halluu handaara wantaa jijjiiruf si dandeessisu cuqaasi.


Halluu Sarara(kan handaaraa)

Amalawwan Wantaa

Qaaqa, bakka ati amalawwan wanta filatamee haaromsuu, fakkeenyaaf, hamamtaa fi maqaa itti dandeessuu bana.


Amalawwan Wanta

Fulduratti Fidi

Wanticha filatame duuraa duubaa kallatti irraa sochoosam, kunis fuldura wantota.birootti.


Gara Fuulduratti fidi

Gara Duubatti Ergi

Wanticha filatame gara duuraa duubaa tarreeffama gaditti siksa, kunis wantoota biraa duuba jira.


Gara Duubatti Ergi

Korkoddii jijjiiri

Dirqaalee korkoddii gidduutti jijjiirruuf si dandeessisa.


Korkoddii Jijjiiri