Print Preview

The Print Preview Bar appears when you view the current document in the print preview mode.

Fuula Durtii

Moves back to the previous page in the document. This function is only active when you select the Print Preview function on the File menu.


Fuula Durtii

Fuula Ittaanaa

Moves forward to the next page in the document. This function is only active when you select the Print Preview function on the File menu.


Fuula Ittaanaa

Moves to the first page of the document. This function is only active when you select the Print Preview function on the File menu.


Moves to the last page of the document. This function is only active when you select the Print Preview function on the File menu.


Two Pages Preview

Displays two pages in the Print Preview window. Uneven numbers will always appear on the right side, even numbers on the left.


Two Pages Preview

Lakkoofsa fuulaawwan argii irratti mul'atan qindeessa. Durargii keessatti, tarsaan tokko akka banamuuf, lakkoofsa fuulaawwanii akka tarreewwan fi tarjaawwantti mul'atu filachuuf, xiyya isa sajootti aanee jiru cuqaasi.


Multiple Pages Preview

Durargii Kitaaba

Fuula jalqabaa duraargii fuulaa keessatti gara mirgaa irratti agarsiissuuf fili. Yoo hinfilatamnee, fuulii jalqabaa duraargii fuulaa keessatti gara bitaa irratti agarsiissama.

Sajoo Durargii Kitaaba

Durargii Kitaaba

Faaran Guddisi

Mul'annoo galmee akka dhiihaatuuf, faaran guddisa.

Faaran Xinnessi

Galmee harka caalu hamamtaa xinnoo tokko keessatti ilaaluuf, faaran xinnessa.

Guddisi Durargii

Determines the zoom level of the print preview.

Argii Guutuu

Baaftootaa fi kamshoota Barreessaa ykn Calc keessaa mul'isa ykn dhoksa. Halata argii guutuu keessaa bahuuf, qabduu Bani/Dhaamsi Argii Guutuu cuqaasi.


Argii Guutuu bani/cufi(Durargii fuulaa keessa)