
Baafati kun ajajawwan agarsiissa argii-irraa kan galmee too'achuuf gargaran of keessa qaba.


Displays how the document will look when you print it.


Displays the document as it would be viewed in a Web browser. This is useful when you create HTML documents.

Madda HTML

Displays the source text of the current HTML document. This view is available when creating a new HTML document or opening an existing one.

Kabala Kamshaa

Kamshaawwan mul'isuu fi dhoksuu baafata xiqqaa bana. Kamshaan dirqalee fi sajoowwan qabate hatattamaan ajajawwan LibreOffice si'if dhiheessa.

Kabala Haloojii

Kabala Haloojiiqarree jala foddaati argmu mul'isa ykn dhoksa.


Contains a submenu for showing or hiding the horizontal and vertical rulers.


Show or hide the horizontal and vertical scroll bars that are used to change the viewable area of a document that doesn't fit within the window.

Daangaalee Barruu

Fuulaa irraa iddoo daangaalee maxxanfamu agarsiisa yk dhoksa. Sarari daangaa hin maxxanfamu.

Daangaalee Gabatee

Shows or hides the borders of table cells that have no set borders. The boundaries are only visible on screen and are not printed.

Images and Charts

Show or hide graphical objects like images and charts within a document.


Show or hide a document's comments and replies to them.

Formatting Marks

Barruu kee keessaa arfiiwwan maxxansalaa akka kudhangii keewwataa, cita sararaa, dhaabduu caancalaaf iddoowwanii mul'isa.

Grid and Help Lines

Toggle the visibility of grid points and guide lines to help object moving and precise position in the current sheet.

Hide Whitespace

View documents with the white space found at the end and beginning of pages hidden.

Track Changes

Shows or hides recorded changes.

Gaaddiddeessaa Dirree

Shows or hides shadings around fields in your document like non-breaking spaces, soft hyphens, indexes, and footnotes.

Field Names

Switches between showing fields as field names or field values. When enabled the field names are displayed, and when disabled the field values displayed. Some field contents cannot be displayed.

Keewwatoota Dhokatoo

Keewwatoota dhokatoo agarisisa yk dhoksa. Filaannoon kun agarsiisa argii keewwatoota dhokatoo qofa irratti malee maxxansa keewwatoota dhokatoo irratti dhiibbaa hinqabaatu.


The Sidebar is a vertical graphical user interface that primarily provides contextual properties, style management, document navigation, and media gallery features.


Use the Styles deck of the Sidebar to apply, create, edit, and remove formatting styles. Double-click an entry to apply the style.


Opens the Gallery deck of the Sidebar, where you can select images and audio clips to insert into your document.


Shows or hides the Navigator window, where you can quickly jump to different parts of your document. Navigator is also available as a deck of the Sidebar. You can also use the Navigator to insert elements from the current document or other open documents, and to organize master documents. To edit an item in the Navigator, right-click the item, and then choose a command from the context menu. If you want, you can dock the Navigator at the edge of your workspace.

Maddeen Deetaa

Kuusaawwan deetaa kanLibreOffice keessatti galmaa'an tarreessuun qabeentoota kuusaawwam deetaa akka taliigduu si'I gargaara.

Argii Guutuu

Baaftootaa fi kamshoota Barreessaa ykn Calc keessaa mul'isa ykn dhoksa. Halata argii guutuu keessaa bahuuf, qabduu Bani/Dhaamsi Argii Guutuu cuqaasi.


D'oh! You found a bug (text/shared/01/03010000.xhp#zoom_text not found).