Gabatee Qabiiyyeewwanii Uumuu

Gabatee qabiyeewwanii uumuuf karaa filatamaan akkaataalee keewwata mataduree durmurtaawoo, kan akka "Mataduree 1", gara keewwatawwan gabatee qabiyyeewwanii keessatti qabachuu barbaadde irratti fayyadamuu dha. Erga akkaataalee kana fayyadamtee booddee, gabatee qabiiyyeewwanii uumuu dandeessa.

Gabatee Qabeentotaa Saaguuf

  1. Galmee kee keessaatti bakka gabatee qabiiyyeewwanii itti ida'uu barbaaddu cuqaasi.

  2. Choose Insert - Table of Contents and Index - Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography, and then click the Type tab.

  3. Sanduuqa Akaakuu keessaa "Gabatee Qabiiyyeewwanii" fili.

  4. Dirqalaalee barbaadde kamiyyuu fili.

  5. TOLEE cuqaasi.

If you want to use a different paragraph style as a table of contents entry, select the Additional Styles check box in the Create from area, and then click the Assign styles button next to the check box. In the Assign Styles dialog, click the style in the list, and then click the >> or the << button to define the chapter level for the paragraph style.

Gabatee Qabiiyyeewwanii Haaromsuu

Kan kaanan gadii keessaa tokko hojeedhu:

Galchiiwwan Kasaa ykn Gabatee Qabiyyeewwanii Hiikuu

Haaressuu, kasaawwan fi gabatee qabiiyyeewwanii Gulaaluu fi Haquu

Kasaa ykn Gabatee Qabiyyeewwanii Dhangeessuu

Galchiiwwan Kasaa fi Gabatee Gulaaluu ykn Haquu

Kasaawwan Tartiiba qubeen Uumuu

Kasaawwan Hiika-Fayyadamaa

Tarrobarroo Uumuu

Kasaawwan Galmeewwan Hedduu Kabeebsan