Chapter Numbering

You can modify the heading hierarchy or assign a level in the hierarchy to a custom paragraph style. You can also add chapter and section numbering to heading paragraph styles. By default, the "Heading 1" paragraph style is at the top of the chapter hierarchy.

Akkaataa mataduretti lakkaawwii ofumaa ida'uuf:

  1. Choose Tools - Chapter Numbering, and then click the Numbering tab.

  2. In the Paragraph Style box, select the heading style that you want to add chapter numbers to.

  3. Sanduuqa Lakkoofsoota keessatti, akkaataa lakkaawwii fayyadamuu barbaaddu fili, itti aansuun TOLE cuqaasi.

To Remove Automatic Chapter Numbering From a Heading Paragraph

  1. Lakkoofsa booda, mataduree keewwatatti barruu issa jalqaba irratti cuqaasi.

  2. Press the Backspace key to delete the number.

Akkaataa keewwataa maamiloo akka mataduretti fayadamu:

  1. Choose Tools - Chapter Numbering, and then click the Numbering tab.

  2. Sanduuqa Akkaataa Keewwataa irratti Akkaataa maamiloo fili.

  3. Tarree Sadarkaa Level irratti Akkaataa keewwataa maamiloo wara sadarkaa mataduretti ramadu barbaaddu cuqaasi

  4. TOLEE cuqaasi.

Moggaasa Toorii kan Lakkoofsi fi kitaabeen kennameef geeddaruu

Naanna'aa fayyadamuudhaan Galmee Qiqindeessuu