Chapter Numbering

Dhangii lakkoofsa fi sadarkaa, lakkaawwii boqannaaf, galmee ammaa keessatti ifteessa.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose Tools - Chapter Numbering

Chapter numbering is linked to paragraph styles. By default, the "Heading" paragraph styles (1-10) are assigned to the corresponding chapter and outline number levels (1-10). If you want, you can assign different paragraph styles to the outline number level.

Sajoo Qaxxee

If you want numbered headings, use the Tools - Chapter Numbering menu command to assign numbering to a paragraph style. Do not use the Numbering icon on the Formatting toolbar.

Sajoo Yaaddannoo

To highlight the screen display of chapter and outline numbers, choose View - Field Shadings.


Dhangii lakkoofsa fi sadarkaa, lakkaawwii boqannaaf galmee ammaa keessatti ifteessa.


Galumsa addaan fageenyaa fi dirqaalee hiriifamaa lakkoofsa ykn tarree rasaasa'eef qindeessa.


Saves or loads a chapter and outline number format. A saved outline number format is available to all text documents.

Sajoo Yaaddannoo

The Format button is only available for chapter and outline numbering. For numbered or bulleted list styles, modify the Numbering Styles of the paragraphs.

Moggaasa dhabdee 1 - 9

Akkaataa lakkaawwii durmurtaawaa isa sadarkaa toorii filatametti ramaduudhaaf barbaaddu fili.


Opens a dialog where you can save the current settings for the selected chapter and outline level. You can then load these settings from another document.


Tarricha keessaa akkaataa lakkaawwii tokko cuqaasi, kana booda maqaa tokko haalataadhaaf galchi. Lakkoofsawwanii, sadarkaa toorii isa akkaataawwanii ramadameen wal sima.