
Use the Styles deck of the Sidebar to apply, create, edit, and remove formatting styles. Double-click an entry to apply the style.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose View - Styles


Kabala Dhangeessuurraa,



To dock the Styles window, drag its title bar to the left or to the right side of the workspace. To undock the window, double-click a free space on its toolbar.

By default, the Styles deck displays a preview of the available styles. The previews can be disabled in the Expert configuration by setting the property /org.openoffice.Office.Common/StylesAndFormatting Preview to false.

Akkaataa tokko fayyadamuuf:

  1. Barruu fili. Jecha tokkoof Akkaataa Arfii tokko fayyadamuuf, jechicha irra cuqaasi. Akkaataa Keewwataa tokko fayyadamuuf, keewwaticha irra cuqaasi.

  2. Double-click the style in the Styles window.

Sajoo Qaxxee

Fuulaa caancalaa irraa Meeshaalee - Maamileesi - Gabateecuqoo Akkaataawwan dhaaf furtuulee quxxamuraa ramaduu nidandeessa.

The Styles toolbar contains icons for formatting your documents:

Garsuu Akkaataa


Akkaataawwan Keewwataa

Keewwatootaaf, akkaataalee dhangeessuu agarsiissa. keewwatoota galmee kee keessaaf akkaataalee keewwataa fayyadamuuf, kuniisi; bocquu, lakkaawwii, fi teessuma dhangeessuutokicha fayyadami.


Akkaataawwan Arfii

Arfiiwwaniif, akkaataawwan dhangeessuu mul'isa. Haalata bocquu, keewwata tokko keessaa barruu filatametti fayyadamuudhaaf, akkaataawwamn arfii fayyadami.


Akkaataa Goodayyaa

Goodayyaawwaniif, akkaataawwan dhangeessuu mul'isa. Teessuma goodayyaa fi qubaannoo dhangeessuudhaaf, haalataawwan goodayyaa fayyadami.


Akkaataawwan fuulaa

Fuulootaaf, akkaataawwan dhangeessuu mul'isa. , jiraachuu irraantootaa fi jalaantootaa dabalatte teessumawwan fuulaa murteessuudhaaf, haalataawwan fuulaa fayyadami.


Akkaataawwan Tarree

Tarreewwan lakkoofseefaman fi raasaaseefaman dhangeessuudhaaf, akkaataawwan dhangeessuu mul'isa. Arfiiwwan lakkoofsa fi raasaasa, akkasuumas galumsawwan ifteessaa dhangeessuudhaaf, haalataawwan tarree fayyadami.


Haalataa Dhangii Guuti

Applies the selected style to the object or text that you select in the document. Click this icon, and then drag a selection in the document to apply the style. To exit this mode, click the icon again, or press Esc.


Filannoo irraa Akkaataa haaraa

Ajajoota dabalataa waliin baafata xiqqaa tokko bana.

Filannoo irraa Akkaataa haaraa

Dhangeessuu keewwata ammaa, fuulaa, yk kutaa irratti hundaa'uun, akkaataa haaraa tokko uuma.

Akkaataa haaromsi

The manually formatted attributes of the text at the cursor position in the document will be added to the style that is selected in the Styles window.

Akkaataawwan fe'iinsaa

Galmee ka birroo irraa akkaataalee alaaguuf, qaaqa Akkaataawwan Fe'iinsaa bana.

Sajoo Qaxxee

Odeeffannoo dabalataa waa'ee halatootaa.

Akkaataawwan Fayyadamaa

Assigns a style to the current paragraph, selected paragraphs, or to a selected object.