
The submenu lists the most common field types that can be inserted into a document at the current cursor position. To view all of the available fields, choose More Fields.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Saagi - Dirreewwan filadhu

Baafata halqara baniitti, Dirreewwan filadhu (dirroota saagaman)

Lakkoofsa Fuulee

Inserts the current page number as a field at the cursor position. The default setting is for it to use the Page Number character style.

Lakkaawumsa Fuulee

Galmee keessatti ida'aama lakkoofsa fuulaawwanii akka dirree tokkotti saaga.


Deetaa ammaa akka dirree tokkootti saaga. Dhangiin deetaa durtii fayyadamameera, garuu deetaan ofumaan hinhaaromne.


Yeroo ammaa akka dirree tokkootti saaga. Yeroochi qinda'ina sirnaa, sirna dalagaa kee irraa qixaan fudhaame. Dhangiin yeroo dhaabbataa inii qabduu dalagaa F9 fayyadamuun hinharoomnee fayyadamameera.


Mataduree amalawwan galmichaa keessatti akka dirree tokkootti iftaa'e saaga. Dirreen kun deetaa dirree Dhimma keessatti Faayilii - Amalawwan - Ibsa jalatti gale agarsiissa.


Inserts the name of the person who created the document here as a field. The field applies the entry made under - LibreOffice - User data.


Dhimma amalawwan galmicha keessatti iftaa'ee akka dirree tokkootti saaga. Dirreen kun deetaa dirree Dhimma keessatti Faayilii - Amalawwan - Ibsa jalatti gale agarsiissa.


Gara qubannoo qaree ammaatti dirreewwan saaga. Qaaqii dirreewwan jiran mara tarreessa.