
Ajajawwanii bafata kana keessaa foormulaawwan gulaaluuf fayyadu. Ajajawwan bu'uura dabalatee, (fakkeenyaaf, qabeentoota jalteessuu) dalagaawwan murtaa'oo Herregduu LibreOffice kunis iddooqawwan ykn dogongorootaf barbaachisutu jira.


Reverses the last command or the last entry you typed. To select the command that you want to reverse, click the arrow next to the Undo icon on the Standard bar.


Reverses the action of the last Undo command. To select the Undo step that you want to reverse, click the arrow next to the Redo icon on the Standard bar.


Filannoo gara gabatee muraatti jalteessuu fi haqa.


Filannoo gabatee muraatti jalteessa.


Inserts the contents of the clipboard at the location of the cursor, and replaces any selected text or objects.

Mara Fili

Selects the entire content of the current file, frame, or text object.

Malkata Ittaanu

Qaree gara malkata ittaanutti siqsi (gara mirgatti).

Malkata durii

Qaree gara malkata duriitti siqsi (gara bitatti).

Dogongora Ittaanu

Qaree gara dogongora ittaanutti siqsi (gara mirgatti siqsiisa jira).

Dogongora Darbe

Qaree gara dogongora duriitti siqsi (bitatti siqsiisa jira).