Import Formula from File

Ajajni kun qaaqa alaaguu foormulaa bana.

Qaaqni Saagi akka qaaqa banaa Faayilii jalaatti qindeesama. Foormulaa akka faayilitti foddaa Ajaja keessa olkaa'ame, fe’i, gulaali fi agarsiisuf qaaqa Saagi fayyada.

You can import MathML files created by other applications as well. The MathML source must have a math element with an xmlns attribute with value "". The languages MathML and StarMath are not fully compatible, therefore you should revise the import result. For details about the language MathML see its specification.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Meeshaalee - Foormulaa Alaaguu filadhuMeeshaalee - Foormulaa Alaaguu filadhu

Import MathML from Clipboard

This command transforms MathML clipboard content to StarMath and inserts it at the current cursor position.

If the transformation fails, nothing is inserted.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

D'oh! You found a bug (text/smath/00/00000004.xhp#etsmim not found).

This command handles only MathML content. If you have copied a LibreOffice Math formula to clipboard, insert it using the command Paste under Edit.