
Bafatii kun, ajajawwan galmichaa agarsiissaa agartiirraa too'atan of keessaa qaba.


Iddoo islaayidii kee ittii umtuu fi gulaaltutti gara mul'anno baratamottii jijirama.


Iddoo islaayidottaa debistee tartibessuuf matadureewwan islaayidii fi irrantoo gulaaluu dandessuutti gara mul`annoo toorrittii jijjirrama.

Yaadanolee fuulaa

Iddoo islaayidii keetittii yaadannoo dabaluu dandessutti gara yaadannuu fuulaattii jijjirama. Yeroo pirazanteshinii kee dhihessittuu yaadanno dubbistoota irraa nidhokatta.

Lakkoofsa Fuulaa

Switches to the handout page view, where you can scale several slides to fit on one printed page.

Fooyaa islaayidii

Displays miniature versions of the slides so they can easily be rearranged.

Master Slide

Switches to master slide view, where you can add elements that you want to appear on all of the slides that use the same master slide.

Master Notes

Displays the master notes, where you can set the default formatting for notes.

Kabala Kamshaa

Kamshaawwan mul'isuu fi dhoksuu baafata xiqqaa bana. Kamshaan dirqalee fi sajoowwan qabate hatattamaan ajajawwan LibreOffice si'if dhiheessa.

Kabala Haloojii

Kabala Haloojiiqarree jala foddaati argmu mul'isa ykn dhoksa.


Sarartulee gubbaa fi qaree butaa iddoo hojittii mul`issa ykn dhoksa.


islaayidii banaa ykn cufaa.


Amaloota agarsiifama tarsaa qindeessa.


Dirqaalee agarsiifaman qajeeichaaf iffeessi.

Object Moving Helplines

Specifies whether to display guides when moving an object.


Islaayidoota halluun ,saaxxiillaan ykn adii fi gurrachaan mul`isa.


Show or hide a presentation's annotations.

Master Background

Toggle the visibility of a master slide's background to be used as the background of the current slide.

Master Objects

Toggle the visibility of a master slide's objects to appear on the current slide.


Add header, footer, date, and slide number placeholders to the master slide.


The Sidebar is a vertical graphical user interface that primarily provides contextual properties, style management, document navigation, and media gallery features.


Opens the Styles deck of the Sidebar, which lists the available graphic and presentation styles for applying and editing.

Clip Art Gallery

Opens the Gallery deck of the Sidebar, where you can select images and audio clips to insert into your document.


Opens the Navigator, where you can quickly jump to other slides or move between open files.


D'oh! You found a bug (text/shared/01/03010000.xhp#zoom_text not found).