
Galtee Dirqaaloota kessaa galtee ammaatiif yeroomsuu murtessii.


Displays the start property of the selected animation effect. The following start properties are available:


Specifies an additional delay of n seconds until the effect starts.


Specifies the duration of the effect.

Irra debi`ii

Specifies whether and how to repeat the current effect. Enter the number of repeats, or select from the list:

Taphachiisni yoo dhume duubatti deebisi

Specifies whether to let the animated shape return to its starting state after the animation ends.

Sochii fakkessii akka qaama tartiibaa cuqaasii

Specifies whether to let the animation start in the normal click sequence.

Cuqaasii irrattii galtee eegalii

Specifies whether to let the animation start when a specified shape is clicked.

Select the shape by its name from the list box.