Amaloota VBA

Amaloota dimshaashaa galmeelee Microsoft Office lakaddaa VBA wajjin fe'uu fi olkaa'uuf ifteessa.

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Choose - Load/Save - VBA Properties.

Maayikiroosoofti Word 97/2000

Qindaa'inoota galmeelee Maayikiroosooft Word 97/2000 filadhu.

Lakaddaa Bu'uuraa gulaaluuf fe'i

Loads and saves the Basic code from a Microsoft document as a special LibreOffice Basic module with the document. The disabled Microsoft Basic code is visible in the LibreOffice Basic IDE between Sub and End Sub. You can edit the code. When saving the document in LibreOffice format, the Basic code is saved as well. When saving in another format, the Basic code from the LibreOffice Basic IDE is not saved.

Lakkaddaa Raawwatamu

Lakkaddaan VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) fe'amee raawwatamuuf qophaa'a. Yoo haalojiin kun mirkanaa'uu baate, lakkaddaan VBA akka ilaalamuuf yaadni itti kennama, garuu hin ka'u.

Sajoo Qaxxee

After loading the VBA code, LibreOffice inserts the statement Option VBASupport 1 in every Basic module to enable a limited support for VBA statements, functions and objects. See Option VBASupport Statement for more information.

Lakaddaa Bu'uuraa jalqabaa olkaa'i

Specifies that the original Microsoft Basic code contained in the document is held in a special internal memory for as long as the document remains loaded in LibreOffice. When saving the document in Microsoft format the Microsoft Basic is saved again with the code in an unchanged form.

Yeroo gita Microsoft ala gita biraan olkeessu,lakaddaan bu'uuraa Microsoft hin olkaa'amu.Fakkeenyaaf,yoo galmeen lakaddaa bu'uuraa Microsoft qabaatee fi gita LibreOffice tiin olkeesse,akka lakkaddaan Microsoft bu'uuraa ol hin kaa'amne of eeggachiisa agarta.

Sanduuqni dhugoomsaa Ammas lakaddaa bu'uuraa jalqabaa olkaa'i dursa sanduuqa dhugoomsaa Lakaddaa bu'uuraa gulaaluuf fe'i irraa fudhata. Yoo sanduuqni lachuu mallattaa'anii fi lakaddaan bu'uuraa IDE bu'uuraa LibreOffice keessaa hin dandeessifamne gulaalte, lakaddaan bu'uuraa Maayikiroosooftii yeroo gita Maayikiroosooftii tiin olkeessu olkaa'ama. Kana sitti himuuf ergaan ni mul'ata.

Vaayirasoota macro bu'uuraa Maayikiroosooftii danda'aman kamiyyuu balleessuuf, sanduuqa dhugoomsaa Lakaddaa Bu'uuraa jalqabaa olkaa'i mallattaa'uu dhorkiitii galmee gita Maayikiroosooftii tiin olkaa'i. Galmeen lakaddaa bu'uuraa Maayikiroosooftii malee olkaa'ame.

Maayikiroosooftii Excel 97/2000

Qindaa'inoota galmeelee Maayikiroosooftii Excel 97/2000 keessaatiif ifteessa.

Lakaddaa Bu'uuraa gulaaluuf fe'i

Loads and saves the Basic code from a Microsoft document as a special LibreOffice Basic module with the document. The disabled Microsoft Basic code is visible in the LibreOffice Basic IDE between Sub and End Sub. You can edit the code. When saving the document in LibreOffice format, the Basic code is saved as well. When saving in another format, the Basic code from the LibreOffice Basic IDE is not saved.

Lakkaddaa Raawwatamu

Lakkaddaan VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) fe'amee raawwatamuuf qophaa'a. Yoo haalojiin kun mirkanaa'uu baate, lakkaddaan VBA akka ilaalamuuf yaadni itti kennama, garuu hin ka'u.

Sajoo Qaxxee

After loading the VBA code, LibreOffice inserts the statement Option VBASupport 1 in every Basic module to enable a limited support for VBA statements, functions and objects. See Option VBASupport Statement for more information.

Lakaddaa Bu'uuraa jalqabaa olkaa'i

Specifies that the original Microsoft Basic code contained in the document is held in a special internal memory for as long as the document remains loaded in LibreOffice. When saving the document in Microsoft format the Microsoft Basic is saved again with the code in an unchanged form.

Yeroo gita Microsoft ala gita biraan olkeessu,lakaddaan bu'uuraa Microsoft hin olkaa'amu.Fakkeenyaaf,yoo galmeen lakaddaa bu'uuraa Microsoft qabaatee fi gita LibreOffice tiin olkeesse,akka lakkaddaan Microsoft bu'uuraa ol hin kaa'amne of eeggachiisa agarta.

Sanduuqni dhugoomsaa Ammas lakaddaa bu'uuraa jalqabaa olkaa'i dursa sanduuqa dhugoomsaa Lakaddaa bu'uuraa gulaaluuf fe'i irraa fudhata. Yoo sanduuqni lachuu mallattaa'anii fi lakaddaan bu'uuraa IDE bu'uuraa LibreOffice keessaa hin dandeessifamne gulaalte, lakaddaan bu'uuraa Maayikiroosooftii yeroo gita Maayikiroosooftii tiin olkeessu olkaa'ama. Kana sitti himuuf ergaan ni mul'ata.

Vaayirasoota macro bu'uuraa Maayikiroosooftii danda'aman kamiyyuu balleessuuf, sanduuqa dhugoomsaa Lakaddaa Bu'uuraa jalqabaa olkaa'i mallattaa'uu dhorkiitii galmee gita Maayikiroosooftii tiin olkaa'i. Galmeen lakaddaa bu'uuraa Maayikiroosooftii malee olkaa'ame.

Maayikiroosooftii PowerPoint 97/2000/XP

Qindaa'inoota galmeelee Maayikiroosooftii PowerPoint keessaatiif ifteessa.

Lakaddaa Bu'uuraa gulaaluuf fe'i

Loads and saves the Basic code from a Microsoft document as a special LibreOffice Basic module with the document. The disabled Microsoft Basic code is visible in the LibreOffice Basic IDE between Sub and End Sub. You can edit the code. When saving the document in LibreOffice format, the Basic code is saved as well. When saving in another format, the Basic code from the LibreOffice Basic IDE is not saved.

Lakaddaa Bu'uuraa jalqabaa olkaa'i

Specifies that the original Microsoft Basic code contained in the document is held in a special internal memory for as long as the document remains loaded in LibreOffice. When saving the document in Microsoft format the Microsoft Basic is saved again with the code in an unchanged form.

Yeroo gita Microsoft ala gita biraan olkeessu,lakaddaan bu'uuraa Microsoft hin olkaa'amu.Fakkeenyaaf,yoo galmeen lakaddaa bu'uuraa Microsoft qabaatee fi gita LibreOffice tiin olkeesse,akka lakkaddaan Microsoft bu'uuraa ol hin kaa'amne of eeggachiisa agarta.

Sanduuqni dhugoomsaa Ammas lakaddaa bu'uuraa jalqabaa olkaa'i dursa sanduuqa dhugoomsaa Lakaddaa bu'uuraa gulaaluuf fe'i irraa fudhata. Yoo sanduuqni lachuu mallattaa'anii fi lakaddaan bu'uuraa IDE bu'uuraa LibreOffice keessaa hin dandeessifamne gulaalte, lakaddaan bu'uuraa Maayikiroosooftii yeroo gita Maayikiroosooftii tiin olkeessu olkaa'ama. Kana sitti himuuf ergaan ni mul'ata.

Vaayirasoota macro bu'uuraa Maayikiroosooftii danda'aman kamiyyuu balleessuuf, sanduuqa dhugoomsaa Lakaddaa Bu'uuraa jalqabaa olkaa'i mallattaa'uu dhorkiitii galmee gita Maayikiroosooftii tiin olkaa'i. Galmeen lakaddaa bu'uuraa Maayikiroosooftii malee olkaa'ame.