Dirqaalaalee Barreessaa/saaphaphuu LibreOffice

Qindaa'inoota bu'uuraa galmeelee kan LibreOffice gita HTML tiin qindeessa.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Open an HTML document, choose - LibreOffice Writer/Web.


Qindaa'inoota durtii waantota galmeelee kee keessaa fi miseensota foddaattif qindeessa.

Gargaarsa tottolchaa

In LibreOffice text and HTML documents, defines the display for certain characters and for the direct cursor.


Specifies the settings for the configurable grid on your document pages. This grid helps you determine the exact position of your objects. You can also set this grid in line with the "magnetic" snap grid.


Qindaa'inoota galmee barruu yookiin HTML keessatti ifteessa .


Defines the attributes of tables in text documents.


Duubee galmeelee HTML dhaaf ifteessa. Duubeen galmeelee HTML haaraa fi kan ati feetu lachuufuu , hanga duubee mataasaanii hin qindeeffannetti ni raawwata.


Resets changes made to the current tab to those applicable when this dialog was opened.