
Qindaa'inoota durtii waantota galmeelee kee keessaa fi miseensota foddaattif qindeessa.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Open a text document, choose - LibreOffice Writer/LibreOffice Writer/Web - View.

Snap Lines

Qindaa'inoota bakkabu'iinsa daangaalee ilaallatan ifteessa.

Helplines While Moving

Displays snap lines around the frames when frames are moved. You can select the Helplines While Moving option to show the exact position of the object using lineal values.


Marfatoota kabalaa fi saratoon akka mul'atan ifteessa.

Sarartoo dalgaa

Sarartoo dalgaa mul'isa. Gita tarree keessaa yuniitii safaraa feete filadhu.

Sarartoo olee

Sarartoo olee mul'isa. Gita tarree keessaa yuniitii safaraa feete filadhu.

Migaan walqixxaataa

These commands can only be accessed after you enable support for Asian languages in - Language Settings - Languages.

Sarartoo olee xiyyoo mirgaa wajjin walqixxeessa.

Mara soofamaa

Dalagaa marfataa fuulaa suutaa agarsiisa. Saffisni marfataa bal'inaa gad fageenaya halluu irratti hundaa'a.


Miseensota galmee kamtu akka agarsiifaman qindeessa.

Images and objects

Specifies whether to display images and objects on the screen. If these elements are hidden, you will see empty frames as placeholders.

Argama saxaatoo karaa saajoo Graphics On/Off to'achuu dandeessa. Yoo barruun banaa ta'e, saajoon kun kabala Tools irratti mul'ata.

Sajoo Yaaddannoo

If the Images and objects option is not selected, no graphics will be loaded from the Internet. Graphics within a table and without an indication of their size can cause display problems when using an older HTML standard on the browsed page.


Gabateewwan galmee kee keessa jiran mul'isa.

Xiyyoowwan gabatee mul'isuuf, gabatee kamiyyuu mirga cuqaasiitii Xiyyoowwan Gabatee, yookiin Gabatee - Xiyyoowwan GabateeBarreessaa galmee keessaa filadhu.

Fakkisootaa fi to'annoowwan

Fakkisootaa fi to'annoowwan galmee kee keessa jiran agarsiisa.

Lakaddaalee badhee

Displays the field names in the document instead of the contents of the fields. You can also choose View - Field Names in a text document.


Yaadannoo mul'isa. Barruu gulaaluuf yaadannoo cuqaasi. Yaadannoo agarsiisuuf yookiin balleessuuf baafata haallee Navigator keessaa fayyadami. Yaadannoo kana yookiin hunda yookiin kan barreessaa hundaa balleessuuf baafata haallee yaadannootti fayyadami.

Qindaa'inoota(galmee HTML qofaaf)

Yuniitii safaraa(galmee HTML qofaaf)

Galmeelee HTML tiif the Yuniitii ifteessa.