
Defines the security options for saving documents, for web connections, and for opening documents that contain macros.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose - LibreOffice - Security.

Sajoo Ofegannoo

Some options cannot be reset once edited. Either edit back the changes manually or click Cancel and reopen the Options dialog.

Security Options and Warnings

Opens the "Security Options and Warnings" dialog.

Furtuulee walindhaa saaphaphuuf

Iddoolota maqaa fayyadamaa fi furtuu barbaadan salphaatti argachuuf akka dandeessisu furtuu hundataa galchuu dandeessa.

Persistently save passwords for web connections

Yoo dandeessifame, LibreOffice furtuuwwan hundaa kan faayiloota kaadimoota saaphaphuu irraa argachuuf fayyadamtu icciitiin kuusa. Furtuuwwan tarree keessaa erga furtuu hundataa galchitee booda baafachuu dandeessa.

Protected by a master password (recommended)

Check to enable all connections' passwords to be protected by a master password.

Master Password

Gongee dhaamsaa Furtuu Hundataa Galchi bana.


Furtuu hundataa gaafata. Yoo furtuun hundataa sirrii ta'e, gongee dhaamsaa odeeffannoo walindhaa saaphaphuu kuufame agarsiisa.

Gongeen dhaamsaa odeeffannoo walindhaa saaphaphuu kuufame tarree iddoolota saaphaphuu fi maqaalee fayyadamaa kan duraan galchite agarsiisa. Galfata kamiyyuu filattee tarree keessaa balleessuu dandeessa. Galfata filatameef furtuu arguu dandeessa.

Ittisa micro

Maakiroo raawwachuu fi barreessota macro amanamaa ifteessuuf gulantaa ittisaa sirreessi.

Ittisa micro

Opens the Macro Security dialog.


Allows you to maintain a list of Time Stamping Authority (TSA) URLs. TSAs issue digitally signed timestamps (RFC 3161) that are optionally used during signed PDF export.


Opens the Time Stamping Authority URLs dialog.