Gingilchaa Unkaatiin Barbaaduu

  1. Galmee unkaa kan dirreewwan kuusdeetaa qabate bani.

    As an example, open an empty text document and press + Shift + F4 keys. Open the bibliography database table biblio in the data source view. While pressing Shift+, drag a few column headers into the document so that the form fields are created.

  2. On the Form Controls toolbar, click the Design Mode On/Off iconIcon to turn off the design mode.

  3. On the Form Navigation toolbar, click the Form-Based Filters iconIcon. The current document is displayed with its form controls as an empty edit mask. The Form Filter toolbar appears.

  4. Haalota gingilchaa garakeessa dirreewwan hedduu yookiin tokkootti galchi. Hubadhu: Yoo garakeessa dirreewwan hedduutti haalota gingilchaa galchite, haalotni galan hundi walsimuu qabu (Buuliyaanii AND).

Odeefannoon dabalataa waa'ee turbaa abbalaa fi ogeejjii Saxaxa Gaafattoo keessatti argamuu ni danda'a.

Yoo sajoo Gingilchaawwan Unka- Hundaa'e Fayyadami kamshaa Gingilchaa Unkaa irraa cuqaaste, gingilchaan hojiirra ni oola. Kamshaa Naannessaa Unkaa ni ilaaltee karaa kuusaawwan argamanii iyyaafachuu ni dandeessa.

Yoo qabduuClose kamshaa Form Filter irraatti cuqaaste, unkichi gingilchaa malee agarsiifama.

Click the Apply Filter iconIcon on the Form Navigation toolbar to change to the filtered view.

The filter that has been set can be removed by clicking Reset Filter/Sort iconIcon.

Naannessaa Gingilchaa Fayyadamuu

Gabateewwanii fi Galmeewwan Unkaa Barbaaduu